CONCEPTga xush kelibsiz


  • 814MHz-849MHz dan 45dB rad etish bilan bo'shliqli tirqishli filtr

    814MHz-849MHz dan 45dB rad etish bilan bo'shliqli tirqishli filtr

    CNF00814M00849Q08A1 kontseptual modeli 814MHz-849MHz dan 45dB rad etish bilan bo'shliqli tirqishli filtr/bandli to'xtatuvchi filtrdir. Uning turi bor. 1,2dB kiritish yo'qolishi va Typ.1.4 VSWR DC-799MHz va 864-2000MHz dan mukammal harorat ko'rsatkichlari. Ushbu model SMA-ayol konnektorlari bilan jihozlangan.

  • Kontseptsiya modeli cnf06110m06920q16a1 - bu bo'shliq filtr / diape filtrni 6110ms-6920mhz dan qaytarish. Uning turi bor. 0.8DB kiritish va Tizim yo'qolishi va TOED.16D-5925MHz va a'lo darajada haroratli 7125-10000MHZ yo'qotish. Ushbu model SMA-ayol konnektorlari bilan jihozlangan.

  • Bo'shliqma NOTCH 6875MB-7125MHZ-dan 40db rad etishi bilan filtr

    Bo'shliqma NOTCH 6875MB-7125MHZ-dan 40db rad etishi bilan filtr

    Concept model CNF06875M07125Q13A is a cavity notch filter/band stop filter with 50dB rejection from 6875MHz-7125MHz . Uning turi bor. 2.4dB insertion loss and Typ.1.8 VSWR from DC-6825MHz and 7175-18000MHz with excellent temperature performances . Ushbu model SMA-ayol konnektorlari bilan jihozlangan.

  • Bo'shliqma-sonli filtr 6425mH / 6525 mhz dan 50db rad etishi bilan

    Bo'shliqma-sonli filtr 6425mH / 6525 mhz dan 50db rad etishi bilan

    Concept model CNF06425M06525Q13A is a cavity notch filter/band stop filter with 50dB rejection from 6425MHz-6525MHz . Uning turi bor. 2.0dB insertion loss and Typ.1.7 VSWR from DC-6375MHz and 6575-18000MHz with excellent temperature performances . Ushbu model SMA-ayol konnektorlari bilan jihozlangan.

  • Bo'shliqma-sonli filtr 6425 mb-7125mhz dan 50db rad etishi bilan filtr

    Bo'shliqma-sonli filtr 6425 mb-7125mhz dan 50db rad etishi bilan filtr

    Concept model CNF06425M07125Q18A is a cavity notch filter/band stop filter with 50dB rejection from 6425MHz-7125MHz . Uning turi bor. 2.0dB insertion loss and Typ.1.6 VSWR from DC-6375MHz & 7175-22000MHz with excellent temperature performances . Ushbu model SMA-ayol konnektorlari bilan jihozlangan.

  • Bo'shliqni filtrlash uchun 50db-6875mhz dan 50db rad etishi bilan filtr

    Bo'shliqni filtrlash uchun 50db-6875mhz dan 50db rad etishi bilan filtr

    Concept model CNF06525M06875Q13A1 is a cavity notch filter/band stop filter with 50dB rejection from 6525MHz-6875MHz . Uning turi bor. 2.1dB insertion loss and Typ.1.6 VSWR from DC-6475MHz and 6925-18000MHz with excellent temperature performances . Ushbu model SMA-ayol konnektorlari bilan jihozlangan.

  • Bo'shliqni filtrlash 7900mHz-8400mhz dan 50db rad etishi bilan

    Bo'shliqni filtrlash 7900mHz-8400mhz dan 50db rad etishi bilan

    Concept model CNF07900M08400A01 is a cavity notch filter/band stop filter with 50dB rejection from 7900MHz-8400MHz . Uning turi bor. 2.1dB insertion loss and Typ.1.6 VSWR from DC-7800MHz and 8500-18000MHz with excellent temperature performances . Ushbu model SMA-ayol konnektorlari bilan jihozlangan.

  • Concept model CNF09000M09400A06T is a cavity notch filter/band stop filter with 50dB rejection from 9000MHz-9400MHz . Uning turi bor. 1.8dB insertion loss and Typ.1.8 VSWR from DC-8000MHz and 10400-40000MHz with excellent temperature performances . Ushbu model 2.92 mm-urg'ochi ulagichlar bilan jihozlangan.

  • Concept model CNF24000M24250Q08A is a cavity notch filter/band stop filter with 40dB rejection from 24000MHz-24250MHz . Uning turi bor. 1.3dB insertion loss and Typ.1.7 VSWR from DC-23000MHz and 25250-40000MHz with excellent temperature performances . Ushbu model 2.92 mm-urg'ochi ulagichlar bilan jihozlangan.

  • Concept model CNF24250M27500Q08A is a cavity notch filter/band stop filter with 60dB rejection from 24250MHz-27500MHz. Uning turi bor. 2.0dB insertion loss and Typ.1.8 VSWR from DC-22750MHz and 29000-48000MHz with excellent temperature performances . Ushbu model 2.92 mm-urg'ochi ulagichlar bilan jihozlangan.

  • 26500 mh-29500 msz-dan 60db rad etishi bilan bo'shliqni filtrlash

    26500 mh-29500 msz-dan 60db rad etishi bilan bo'shliqni filtrlash

    Kontseptsiya modeli cnf26500m29500m29500k08a - 26500MZ-29500 mhsgacha bo'lgan 60db rad etishi bilan bo'shliq filtr filtr / guruhi. Uning turi bor. 2.1DB kiritish va TOED 31.8 DC-25000mHz va 31000-48000 mz. Ushbu model 2.92 mm-urg'ochi ulagichlar bilan jihozlangan.

  • 27500 ms-2833333333350 ms. dan 60db rad etishi bilan bo'shliqni filtrlash

    27500 ms-2833333333350 ms. dan 60db rad etishi bilan bo'shliqni filtrlash

    Kontseptsiya modeli CNF27500M28350q08a - bu bo'shliq filtr filtr filtr / guruhni 27500 mb-83333350 ms. Uning turi bor. 2.2DB kiritish va TOEB.1.8 DC-26000mHz & 31500-48000MZ dan juda ko'p haroratli chiqishlari bilan. Ushbu model 2.92 mm-urg'ochi ulagichlar bilan jihozlangan.